Thursday 17 November 2016


Is time linear?  This film has been buzzing round my mind for ages.

The question this film raised is "If you could see the future, would you change it?" So, the main character Louise (Amy Adams) develops communication with Alien visitors known as Heptapods.  In return for help that they will need from us in 3000 years, they hand over a gift (or weapon as it is referred to throughout, which obviously makes Humans anxious).  That gift is that once you can understand the Heptapod language, you stop seeing time as linear, meaning all that has happened and will happening is happening right now.

Surely though, if everything that is going to happen to you is already happening, right now, as you read this, you can't change anything.  The decision has already been made, and the consequences of those decisions already happening.  How much does that affect the control we believe we have over our own destiny?

Are we just on a path, or can we change our future? Would a non-linear timeline equal multiverse theory?

My head hurts, this film was pretty good.

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